Tuesday, August 4, 2009

love fool?

Would it be fair if I say being in love make us look stupid? Huh?
Maybe those who are in love didn’t agree and denying it but guess what it is make us look dumb.
At this time u guys would say what a bitter girl I am.
Indeed I am I’ve become bitter and bitter each day.

As I clear my things from my cupboard, I found a thick red book. An A4 sizes book. A book contains thousand of word and emotion. I laugh my heart all out as I really recognized the book. I knew well what is inside the book as it is belong to me. Heehe it is mine. Its book that I made by myself when I was 15 years old. Yup I know 4 years ago. It is a book I made for my first love.

Lol it is funny like what u really have time to do all this stuff? Entah la dlu nyer citer

I decided to make a scrapbook that has our entire story together. It is lame right? And I want to give to him on his birthday. What a failure, till now the book didn’t get to his hand.

When I go on thru pages n pages, I could imagine back in the past how passionate I am being in love. Hahaha passionate ye la tuh . I could remember all of our dates, where it was, what is his fav things, spot, food and all the memory was there in the book. Ini sume pasal cinta monyet la. Love make us look like a fool kan better if I hafal sume formula physic at that time rather than those nonsense things. Bodoh juga saya ni. No wonder la in mrsm I mcm tahi sket. Hahaha

But the point is when we’re in love we do stupid things for our partner just to be happy. So who cares?

My advice Be a fool and be happy when you are all in love!

btw i am still waiting for my prince charming in a shining Armour come to me with his white horses (cinderella version)

p/s:i am still waiting for my prince charming come to me with his dslr and volvo xc-90 . ( my version - mata duitan ke??)


  1. seriusly ur sis is still hoping that one day a perfect guy in my eyes would come to her..ni sume novelnyer pengaruh ..still have purity
    tripod tuh ..aku nak photographer la kak ..heheh

  2. fathul! aku ingat. hahaha.
    well well well
    memang agak bodoh juga lah masa becinte ni
    love is blind orang kate
    normal lah tu... jgn bodoh smpi memakan diri sudah.

  3. eyt cik azi ..ko igt ek..
    hahah ..sengal jek..
    hurm ...btw all the best with him
    aku doakan ko ..ngn die suksess yek..
    kawin ajk aku..
    btw doakan aku ..jumpe sum1 yg best k

  4. takyah ar tripod, kate ar camera ke...ni tripod..aiyahhhhhh~~~~~~

  5. hahaha nnti aa die akan tukar semasa ke semasa ..
    mane tau nnti aku dpt enggr ke ..architect ke..haha
