6.00 am- Wake up as usual and prepared ourselves for breakfast.
7.00 am- Breakfast at the hotel. As usual our only menu is bread with jam and orange juice. Itu je yang halal to eat.
8.30 am- After I had breakfast, kak nat and I walk along the beachside just to fill up our time. In Chaam , they only focused on tourism as I could see lot of mat saleh all around Chaam. The beach was so beautiful, clean and I could feel the sea breeze and yet it does make me calm. After 5 minutes done some photography, my father called me up for group photo session.
This is Chaam!
mama n papa.
along the road in chaam , locals sells arts stuff made by shell
luvly couplee !
9.28 am- We depart from Chaam to our next destination that is Chanthaburi. The distance is about 404 kilometer ahead. Uncle Dahlan, did not join us in the convoy, because he will be picking up uncle Hamid at the Survanabhumi Airport in Bangkok.
On our way to Chanthaburi , we passed through Bangkok City , which is capital city of Thailand . I loved Bangkok as it reminded me to KL , but their traffic are worst especially on the morning and evening.
Plus, their highway are so memeningkan and terlampau banyak. We were all worried how are we going to escaped from Bangkok highway. Right now we are heading to Chanthaburi and we need to find the nearest town next to Chanthaburi.
There are many signboards and road aheads, we have to decide which road should we take.
Nasib baik, we found a pattaya-chonburi signboard which are heading to Chanthaburi the right directions. Or not, we will pusing around the whole Bangkok.
3.30 pm- Finally we , arrived at Chanthaburi as planned. Check in for the hotel, New Travel Lodge hotel and have a rest.
5.30pm- We went on to see Gems Market in the town as it is their specialities. Unfortunately, their working hours are only till 5.00pm and on weekends. But Uncle Rashid just went on knocked one door of the shops and they are willing to open up. Boleh la dapat la tengok gems cntik2 , but it does suited to their prices. It could take up till thousands ringgit. Mahal la , x mampu just tgk je.
After dinner , we directly went off to sleep. As the hotel have wifi I could online till 2 am. Then x larat , terus tido.
25th November 2009
6.00 am- Wake up early in the morning and get ready for breakfast.
7.00am – Breakfast
8.00am- Convoys meeting and briefing by Uncle Hamid.
9.18am- The last day we stayed in Thailand, because we will be entering Cambodia by Khong Yai Border . It is about 150 kilometres from Chathaburi and there would be Cambodian tour agent waiting for us.
11.15 pm- We already arrived at the border and need to settle up passports and others. There is one Cambodian kid looks like almost 9 years old approaching us and talk to us. It looks like he is one of Cambodian Immigration workers. He was the one who show us, where we supposed settle up our passport and also car insurance. I am impressed when I look at that kid. He can speak in English very fluent and also very berani.
1.00 pm- After we had settled up our immigration process, we meet up with our tour agent that is Mr.Pisai. He will be showing us around Cambodia. Cambodia is not totally developed like Malaysia. Not all of their roads are well built. There are still jalan tanah merah and there are lots of batu2 on the road. Rumah-rumah kat sini banyak rumah kampong and sangat la daif. To be compared with Malaysia, there are huge gaps between them. I am so grateful for being Malaysian and I know that our ministry have done a lot for our country especially on dasar-dasar ekonomi yang banyak merapatkan jurang antara miskin dan kaya. ( hebat kowt sej)
Cambodia get their independence on 1953 which is 4 years early than Malaysia but because of the Khmer Rouge ruling and Pol Pot actions, the destruction in Cambodia can’t be repaired immediately. In Cambodia , yg kaya mmg la sgt kaya , bawak Lexus and Rexton but for miskin sgtlah miskin. Kids running around and walking without slippers, semua rumah hanya pakai kayu and atap zink.
The surrounding mmglah sangat kesian but our hotel didn’t reflected the surrounding. We stayed in Koh Kong Resort Hotel. It look so beautiful and it looks like a big mansion up hill in Italy . It doesn’t show the real Cambodia. It looks so luxurious with the architecture and the design.
Plus , there was beach along the hotel.
Our lunch were sponsored by ustaz perkampungan islam in Cambodia. After lunch , mama papa , kak nat and I jalan-jalan along the beach. We found out that our hotel have casino and also duty free. Sebenarnya hati ku teringin nak masuk casino just nak tgk je . Does it the same like in tv’s? hohoho then I ask my dad permission and he warned me jgn cube sekali pon. Hohoho Kat Malaysia x bleh masuk hooho so I grab this opportunity , hooho dapatlah tgk game die , roulette , black jack , jack pot … Tapi die x bgi tangkap gmbr tuh yg rugi. But whatever it is I know it is so membazir (sgt2).
7.15 pm- That night , we had dinner at perkampungan orang islam at Koh Kong. They welcomed us with their warmth smile. I feel comfortable being there. Our menu is : udang rebus , ikan goreng , sayur udang and also their special homemade sauce(sgt sedap / chengen)
Chengen: sdp in Cambodia
26th November 2009
6.00 am- Wake up
7.00 am- Breakfast
8.00 am- Group meeting/ briefing by Mr. Pisai , our tour guide in Cambodia and also uncle Hamid. Mr Pisai told us short briefs about Cambodia.
9.00 am- We depart to Sihanoukville , also beach town in Cambodia. It is about 400 km from Koh Kong. Mr Pisai is coming with us and we were also escorted by police for our own security.Before we check in into the hotel, we visited another perkampungan orang islam di Sihanoukville. Kompong Ochrov , Prav Nup , Kompong Som Cambodia is the place where we want to do the qurban.
1.30 pm- We arrived at the Kampong and we had our lunch at there. The dishes were prepared by women while the male serve us the food. The menu : sayur cili bodo with meat , daging goreng , sup daging and also spicy sauce so yummy. We had our zohor n asar prayer at there .
4.30 pm- We already arrived at Sihanouk Ville and we went on city tour. First stop , Mr. Pisai brought us to their famous port but I can’t hardly remember the name of the port because it looks the same like the one we have uhuhu port klang. And then , he brought us to perkampungan nelayan and Uncle Rashid and Uncle Ali belanja we all fresh crab and udang for our dinner nnti.
After that , we went straight to our hotel , Golden Sand Hotel.
6.45 pm- After maghrib prayer , we all went on for our seafood dinner. There are lots lots of crabs and udang also big snapper fish. I couldn’t take pictures of the dinner as my hand already digging on the food. But trusted me it is really good. the fish sauce kick ass tuh !! We were all full and enjoyed our food!
After that we went back to our hotel for sleep!
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